Le 12/10/2010 19:31, Marc Paré a écrit :
Hi Lucien, this is not directed to you but to the discussion on this thread:
No problem for me ;-)
There was actually nothing wrong with the Mandriva treatment of repos. It clearly satisfied everyone's expectation of their installation. It became a matter of user choice. By installing, by default, non-licensed software you are not giving the user the choice. You are then targeting a group of users who can install without legal consequence. If Mageia.ca or Mageia.us etc. decided to organize, then as entities, they would then become liable for the publication of illegal software. In Canada, they are a little more lenient than in the US. I cannot imagine anyone organising such a group in the US where they would accept liability for this.

If there is a choice of installing non-licensed software, then it should be done at the user level and not at the Mageia level. Non-licensed software will not be accepted by any educational establishments, business, government, associations ...

The safest route is to offer FOSS software (they are well known and many have had their code audited) and leave the "fringe" softs on a repo that is left to the users' choice as install.

I thought that PLF were on board with the Mageia project. Does anyone know?


And why don't we affect specific packages to the country exactly like the localization is affected ? In France too the default install is certainly the choice of the educational establishments ... but in french FR_FR, not in EN_US. So, why not a pre-selection of certain kind of packages in the same time of selection of the country in the install menu ?

Suggestion : (don't beat me please) :

Actually, we have team for translating the texts ... why not somes teams for choose between "free or not free" packages in localized variation of Mageia. I know PLF (without that, no Mandriva on my PC), but I think that waiting the PLF adaptation, or have garbage free packages after PLF installation is not optimal.

Own remark : (No, no, don't beat ...)

Mageia is new, young, dynamical ... I suggest to use this situation for don't go in the same ways than the others ... With "free + PLF", we don't inovate in regard of the existing Mandriva / OpenSuse / Ubuntu / Slac/ etc ... etc ... we only repeat the old schema. Why do a new distro also ?

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