Le 2010-10-14 00:20, Tux99 a écrit :

Quote: Fernando Parra wrote on Thu, 14 October 2010 05:59

Sinner from the Prairy wrote:

We should publicize more Backports.

And I shall reply over and over again, backports isn't a
solution, maybe it's a technical solution, but it isn't
The Solution.

The end users need to do less than now for to get new versions
of their favourites applications.

Mageia needs to offer more than other distros, much more, in a
different way. If we aren't to be able to make a completely new
concept, we are in a serious risk to become in other distro at
that sea called GNU / Linux.
Fernando Parra<gato2...@yahoo.com.mx>

I agree with what Fernando says, if we could agree on a release cycle that
is half way between the fixed release cycle of Mandriva/Ubuntu/Fedora/Suse
and the rolling release cycle of PClinuxOS/Gentoo, then Mageia would
attract a lot of interest in the Linux world do to it offering something
new and compelling rather than the same as everyone else.

The results of the poll on mandrivauser.de seem to indicate a strong wish
in this direction too, almost half of the voters voted for an annual
release cycle with a partial rolling release cycle, i.e. exactly what was
suggested in this thread earlier, a stable core updated once a year (apart
from security and bug fixes) with new app versions made available during
the whole year.


Thanks for posting the site Tux99. There was talk of more user groups doing the poll/survey. Does anyone know if this is being done? Great data for the devs to consider.


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