On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 08:20:40 -0400
Sinner from the Prairy <sinnerbofh-re5jqeeqqe8avxtiumw...@public.gmane.org> 

> Fernando Parra wrote:
> > (Finally, it would not be as strict versions of certain components. If,
> > for example morning out mageia 2010 (for instance) and the day after
> > Firefox 4.0 comes out, you do not run the 3.6.x version with all the
> > time,)
> > 
> > That's very clear, these users are trying to say: "We want a different
> > model, but we want a stable distro"
> As we have been saying over and over again, this only indicates zero 
> knowledge of backports repositories.
> We should publicize more Backports.
> Salut,
> Sinner

And I shall reply over and over again, backports isn't a solution, maybe it's a 
technical solution, but it isn't The Solution.

The end users need to do less than now for to get new versions of their 
favourites applications.

Mageia needs to offer more than other distros, much more, in a different way. 
If we aren't to be able to make a completely new concept, we are in a serious 
risk to become in other distro at that sea called GNU / Linux.
Fernando Parra <gato2...@yahoo.com.mx>

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