Fernando Parra a écrit :
On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 01:44:29 +0200
Michael Scherer<misc-qfijtcdg...@public.gmane.org>  wrote:

I do not think I am ok to be counted in the "we" you use. I do not think
I want, nor that I will even try to get a considerable number of new
users, I want a sustainable number of users that can be properly taught
of free software way and ecosystem, so they can be later part of the
community as people who help us in very direct way. And that's what I
will try to do.

Michael Scherer

There are a biological law: Grow up in population or die, as simple as that.

Regards from Mexico

Also known as the lemming principle.
(The rodents that suicide en masse every few years as their answer to overpopulation.)

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