Le mardi 02 novembre 2010 à 09:55 -0400, Marc Paré a écrit :
> I am a member of the Mageia marketing team and as well as a LibreOffice 
> marketing team member.
> I have been asked to enquire if LibreOffice will be included in the 
> Mageia distro and if anyone knows who the packager will be for LibreOffice?
> Ahem ... of course I would encourage Mageia adopt the LibreOffice as its 
> main office suite.


We do not have any build system yet, neither do we have official
packaging team and so until we have them, I think that discussing every
detail on what packages we will have is just a discussion that will
happen too soon. ( and it also take some time that I would better spend
doing concrete system administration instead of answering and following
discussions :/ )

If someone provides a package, then I see no reason to not have it,
that's as simple as that.

And if people want to start right away, they can start working a package
targetting Mandriva cooker, as this would likely be what we will use.

Michael Scherer

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