Marc Paré a écrit :

Le 2010-11-02 11:48, Michael Scherer a écrit :
Le mardi 02 novembre 2010 à 09:55 -0400, Marc Paré a écrit :
I am a member of the Mageia marketing team and as well as a LibreOffice
marketing team member.

I have been asked to enquire if LibreOffice will be included in the
Mageia distro and if anyone knows who the packager will be for LibreOffice?

Ahem ... of course I would encourage Mageia adopt the LibreOffice as its
main office suite.


We do not have any build system yet, neither do we have official
packaging team and so until we have them, I think that discussing every
detail on what packages we will have is just a discussion that will
happen too soon. ( and it also take some time that I would better spend
doing concrete system administration instead of answering and following
discussions :/ )

If someone provides a package, then I see no reason to not have it,
that's as simple as that.

And if people want to start right away, they can start working a package
targetting Mandriva cooker, as this would likely be what we will use.

Hi Michael:

Thanks for the advice. It may be that there is a packager on the LibO team who would like to do the packaging for the Mageia version. maybe this is why they are enquiring. If this is the case, should he/she join the Mageia team? I imagine your answer would be yes. I know that I would encourage any LibO packager to join the Mageia team.

Does anyone know if the LibO suite will be adopted as the official Mageia Office Suite? We used to have OOo as our official suite in Mandriva. BTW ... we have been advised to be ready for a LibO final version in 4-8 weeks if all goes well. We are just going through the betas. So, it should be ready for the final version of Mageia when it comes out.


Salut Marc :

I'm down to start contributing as a packager for Mageia, so if I have the time I'll try packaging LibreOffice for Mandriva cooker. (It'll be the first time, but I've already installed the rpm building packages.)
I've already been helping kill a few LibreOffice bugs.

Note that Mandriva has Go-oo, not the official OOo of Sun/Oracle.
It looks like Go-oo and LibreOffice will complement nicely -- Go-oo more experimental, both more open to community contributions than the official OOo, which insists on copyright assignment.

- André

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