Maarten Vanraes a écrit :

Op donderdag 02 december 2010 08:20:15 schreef andre999:
Maarten Vanraes a écrit :
Op woensdag 01 december 2010 21:54:48 schreef andre999:

i also see that mirror layout should be as easy as possible for mirror

Agreed.  However keeping an extra set of repositories for core packages
would just add a few extra directories (without changing the number/size
of their total content), thus have little impact on mirror administration.

One would think so; however, a few people who replied where mirror
administrators; and it seems, IIUC that they said it does have impact.

I'm just gonna trust their judgement on this, since they know more about this
than myself.

Mageia requires mirror sites to use rsync for mirroring.
Mirroring at least every few hours, if I remember correctly. (I forget the other details.)

They need a single line of code, something like

rsync -ra {URL-source-directory} {local-destination-directory}

This is very easy to do : Mageia gives the source URL (and the options required), and the mirror site knows the destination directory.

This line of code is put in a cron (or acron) job file, configured to run automatically at the specified regular intervals.

If they exclude the optional "tainted" repositories, they have to add an "--exclude" option with the relative path to these repositories.
(Still in a single line.)
Fairly straight-forward.

Why system admins in multi-mirror sites with lots of other tasks would like to avoid optional repositories is that they are probably already overloaded with things to do, and adding the exclusion multiplies the risk of having a (tiny) error that makes it not work.
Also, a minor change at the Mageia source could make it stop working.
The last thing they need is another problem.


Note that if, down the road, we find another effective method for
distinquishing core / non-core, it is relatively simple to transfer
packages in "extra" to "core".
But if we eliminate the parallel set of repositories, and find later
that we have a problem giving priority to core packages, moving in the
other direction would be a much more difficult process.

IIRC someone with experience said in this thread that we could always go to
that sort of scenario if like this it wouldn't work well. Again, i'm gonna
trust their judgement on this.

( At least some things said in this thread seem to me more in the line of wishful thinking. A bit like "I'm not planning to have an accident, so why do I need a seat belt ?" )

I still think it would be better to later remove than add.
The main problem is that without the separation by repositories, in order to ensure full support for core modules, we would need another control. If we start with separate sets of repositories, that control is already there - removing the complication of adding some other control in setting up the system. Maybe we can find a way of setting up a reliable such control in the build system without a too much effort. But it is more effort, subject to debugging, etc, as with any new code.


- André

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