Op vrijdag 03 december 2010 10:45:05 schreef Ahmad Samir:
> The kernel uses the word "tainted" when it detects the nvidia
> proprietary module for example, (which admittedly gave me a bit of
> shock the first time I saw it :)).

Heh, i had the same reaction.

> From all the proposed names, I think "tainted" is the best one, as the
> packages in there are in a "grey" zone, i.e. not totally illegal
> everywhere, but illegal only in some places in the world. And in
> reality the existence of a patent doesn't necessarily mean it's
> enforceable in a court of law (the only way we'd know for sure is if
> someone actually does try to sue)... my 0.02€ worth :)

how about "gray" or "grey" ?

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