Op zaterdag 25 december 2010 01:04:20 schreef andre999:
> Ahmad Samir a écrit :
> > On 24 December 2010 13:02, Michael scherer<m...@zarb.org>  wrote:
> >> On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 01:20:41AM +0100, Dexter Morgan wrote:
> >>> On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Ahmad Samir<ahmadsamir3...@gmail.com>  
> >>>> On 24 December 2010 00:13, Maarten Vanraes<maarten.vanr...@gmail.com>  
> >>>>> Op donderdag 23 december 2010 22:23:56 schreef Ahmad Samir:
> >>>>>> On 23 December 2010 22:01, Samuel Verschelde<sto...@laposte.net>  
> >>>>>>> I remember some years ago you could choose the exact version of the
> >>>>>>> package for which you reported a bug, from a list. I agree that
> >>>>>>> improving the UI side helpers could be useful.
> >>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>> Regards
> >>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>> Samuel Verschelde
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> As was said by dmorgan, listing each SRPM slowed down bugzilla a
> >>>>>> lot; the distro has a lot of SRPMS...
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> an ajax search is better; it doesn't add much and only gets searched
> >>>>> if you enter at least 2 chars, or something like that.
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> if such an ajax is wanted, i can write that if i can use
> >>>>> app-mageia-db or similar as a list.
> >>>> 
> >>>> If the user doesn't know how to find the package info (rpm -q
> >>>> packagname), no auto-complete is going to help much, he'll just pick
> >>>> one of them randomly (top of the list, or bottom of the list). It's
> >>>> not much to ask for rpm -q output...
> >>>> 
> >>>> --
> >>>> Ahmad Samir
> >>> 
> >>> and this method is deprecated ( i mean the big list ) because this
> >>> slow down too much the server.
> >> 
> >> The server, or the the browser ?
> >> ( because server side, that's just a SQL query likely in cache, while
> >> browser side, you have to render a enormous 15 000 items list,
> >> with allocation of objects, etc, etc ).
> >> --
> >> Michael Scherer
> > 
> > Exactly. So if this get implemented I'd like it to be optional, i.e. I
> > can still turn it off in my bugzilla preferences.
> Not only that, it should be off by default.
> End users tend to use the default configurations, and the last thing we
> need is a bugzilla so slow that end users will be dicouraged from
> reporting bugs.
> In my mind, it is triage and QA who would benefit the most from such a
> list. It seems if we were to have such a list, that it might be better to
> make it a separate (web) application, which could be referred to in a
> separtate tab/window, so it is charged only once for reviewing a number
> of bugs.
> But if triage/QA is not interested, it is better to avoid this big list.
> Another thought : maybe we should have separate rpm and srpm fields.
> Because end-users will relate more to ordinary rpm's, several of which
> could be generated by the same srpm.
> Do you think that would be useful ?
> my 2 cents :)
> André

you guys don't get it; we propose solution so we DON'T NEED the huge list, but 
we can do it so:

A) you don't have to wait on it
B) it's in the background
C) it only activates when you actually are typing something
D) it's server side, so you're not having any trouble by it.

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