Am 25.03.2011 09:23, schrieb Buchan Milne:
Maybe for you. Maybe for me. But, the*real*  question is, would this discourage 
some of our target market from using our distribution.

IOW, we*must*  get community input (after documenting some proposals).

Maybe we should postpone this question.
Let us release Mageia1 with two DVDs (one 32bit and one 64bit) and maybe with a live medium. Mageia1 won't be a big step but tries to be a solid fundamental for our further work, so no need to make a final decision now. What about a large survey after Mageia1 which concentrates not only on Mageia user but the linux community at all (advertise this survey in linux media/newsprotals). Ask them, what they expect from a distribution or what they miss (yes I know not an easy task, need of standardized questions/possible answers). I think that could be really interesting, which doesn't mean that we have to implement every wish they have.


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