Frank Griffin a écrit :

On 03/26/2011 08:58 PM, Tux99 wrote:

And why should all of us suffer the hassle of a DVD + a CD (how would
work for all those that use USB-sticks, do they now need two sticks?
I guess you must have missed the six or so times I stated that I don't
give a rat's whatever about whether there's one ISO or two. Personally,
I'd say go with one, and if there's a space issue, go to a DL. But
that's a flame war for some other day.....

Good ! That is exactly our point. We _care_ if there is more than 1 ISO for the basic install. And it doesn't in any way detract from the purist's right to think that they are only installing "free" software.
(Given that even the Linux kernel has non-free components.)


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