> On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 14:49, Marcello Anni <marcello.a...@alice.it> wrote:
> > no (as i explain below), the communication is ok, is the kindness and the
> > explanation of Anne that disappointed me.
> Note to self for next time: take a photo of ennael handing a huge sign
> "It's freeze time!" with a large smile + a link to a tutorial that
> explains what that means for everyone - and put it in a corner of all
> mageia.org web sites.

good idea : )
> > but in fact i know that we are in freeze, but i see also that some 
> > (e.g. mageiaonline) continue to be improved for release,
> Not improved, but fixed. Because this one is release critical - this
> has nothing to do with a cosmectic change.

ok, it's not release critical but it's not neither a cosmetic change, as users 
are suggested to remove those packages and in the 99% of the cases it brings 
huge issues... and we should also remember that a person that uses linux is 
curious and wants the best for his system, if he reads "these packages are now 
unuseful (and he doesn't come from mandriva)" he probably (50%?) will try the 
> > but do you consider a change in a language string as a difficult change? i 
> > have technical skills but i don't think so...
> No, but being in freeze disregards totally that a change is trivial
> (changing the string) or not (fixing the behaviour). It's not a
> release critical bug, so it just does not get on the table past the
> freeze date. And even less (because there are exceptions) when the
> release time is approaching.

andré blais proposed a similar solution on 2011-04-29, it's not a last-day 

> Romain

hope it will be fixed in some updates for mageia 1 release.


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