Op donderdag 09 juni 2011 11:14:21 schreef Colin Guthrie:
> Hi,
> As I upgrade my various machines (I only really have about 5, so not
> that many) I'm running into a few packages that are missing (this is
> inevitable).
> Nothing major just little things like trac and supybot etc.
> What is the best way to add these packages to the v1 tree?
> Using backports seems a little odd as this is "unsupported" and we don't
> really want to encourage using it as a means to get the missing packages.
> release is obviously frozen so no go there.
> The only real option is updates, but that should obviously have some QA
> on it.
> Perhaps we need to have some kind of exemption to get these missing
> packages added?
> Does anyone have any opinions on this?
> Col

tbh, i had been thinking about this too, but it would kind of defeat the 
updates reasoning?

otoh, perhaps a missing package is also a bugfix... maybe we could file bug 
reports for missing packages and go through the updates route...

personally, i would like updates for it, but it might be against updates 
protocol and it will likely add extra strain on the QA team?

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