On Tue, 14 Jun 2011, Thorsten van Lil wrote:

I don't want a full rolling release, because of the listed disadvantages. So, if you ask me what is "wrong" with Arch, I would say: * due to the rolling release, it's nearly vanilla. This doesn't match requirements of Mageia
* no innovations (because of vanilla)
* a rolling core system has a negative correlation with it's stability
* heavy work load
* ...

So, I don't ask for a copy of Arch nor any other distribution. I asked (although it wasn't my idea) for something new. An compromise: a light rolling release.

This is exactly what release + updates + backports can be, the only requirement is enough people to do the work. I do not understand what people are saying about backports being "unsupported". IMHO we should either have backports that are supported, with fixes for security issues and important bugs, or no backports.


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