Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz a écrit :
Le Jeudi 04 Août 2011 18:39:35 andre999 a écrit :
Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz a écrit :

As my experience in security field, to make Mageia more available in
enterprise environments, and specially those that are security
paranoid, i'm planning to port SRM.  SRM is a package that does a
"secure" file deleting according some security standards (i dont
remember right now names, i guess it is something in NIST, but that
doesnt matter really).

My question is, what should be the procedure that when you install srm,
then the normal rm command could be replaced?  i was thinking in
pushing an alias but what other alternatives do i have?

please comment,


At first glance that sounds like a reasonable approach EXCEPT -- a
system-level alias would be over-ridden by a user alias.
A user could innocently have an alias such as :
alias rm="rm -i"

rm is in /bin
- /bin/rm could be replaced with a link to srm, but I don't know if that
would be considered acceptable.
rm would have to be restored if srm were uninstalled

- wouldn't a link in /usr/bin/rm be executed first ?
Of course that doesn't cover execution with root privileges.
An alias in root wouldn't necessarily work, as an admin could inadvertantly
replace it with another.  (By loading a new file with some changed alias,
for example.)
But probably less likely than some user doing the same on their profile.

There could be other approaches as well ... :)

You are right! :)

Well another option could be this:

a. we change coreutils to install /bin/rm as  /bin/rm.vanilla (or other name,
that really doesnt matter),
b. i change srm to install itself in /bin instead of /usr/bin
c. we place alternatives in both packages to provide /bin/rm, giving
preference to srm if installed, otherwise it will use rm of coreutils


That would probably be the ideal approach. But it might take a while to get the changes accepted in coreutils.

Maybe it could be all done from srm ?
On srm install,
a. rename /bin/rm to /bin/rm.vanilla (or rm.original or ?)
b. create /bin/rm link to /bin/srm

On srm uninstall, we ensure that
a. rm /bin/rm link
b. rename /bin/rm.vanilla to /bin/rm

Hopefully that could be done reliably, with an uninstall script.


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