在 Mon, 22 Aug 2011 17:57:02 +0800, Colin Guthrie <mag...@colin.guthr.ie>寫道:


I also have it on good authority that many of the features lacking in
NetworkManager (such as bridging configuration) will be available in the
not too distant future and many other more advanced networking features
such as fast-start DHCP, per-interface DNS, 4-8's DNS fallback and
several other nice features will ultimately be possible too.

So with all this in mind, I think the writing is very much on the wall
with regards to the future integration of NetworkManager into the
desktop. I believe we will be able to concentrate our resources better
by going along with the rest of the world in this regard. I have
personally switched to it now (as I do not need advanced features of
draknetcenter et al) as a step towards this.

So what can draknet do while NM can't?

If such a thing exist, I think abandon draknet is not a good idea,

since it's much more integrate into MCC. Also, is it possible to

combine them up, like using draknet to support manage the connection

, letting NM replace the role of net_applet?

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