On 14.11.2011 14:53, Buchan Milne wrote:

   ( and given the discussion

on ml, it should be soon )
When I ask the developers, they don't know if qemu will include the
patch at all and when (now or after one year) and they suggested to do
the openSUSE way (today the most recommended and full featured Linux
distro for GNS3).

OK. So if gns3 can't be fixed for the stable - than should be removed
from the repos (for ISOs is to late).

If we don't provide qemu patch, then gns3 should be removed from
Cauldron as well.

I believe removing GNS3 is better than keeping it broken and.. irritate
people (I don't count the opinion of our quality). Later some 3rd party
repos can provide GNS3 and its dependencies.
You seem to imply that the only use of GNS3 is with this qemu patch.
It's possible to simulate and play without qemu. (btw newer alpha release version supports in the same way VirtualBox)

It should be "Suggested" by GNS3, but then what is the idea of suggesting qemu that isn't working at all? I simply don't know why to distribute a program that provides support in GUI for something that's not working.

People can try to waste their time and configure qemuwrapper with our qemu... it's just a matter of time for a bugrequest on our bugzilla.

In my opinion if we provide an application with so exposed (visible) support for working with qemu and we don't provide qemu itself then our quality of packages get lower.
But I used GNS3 with just dynamips, and this issue of GNS3 not being usable at
all due to missing dynamips can really be solved quite quickly just by
shipping dynamips to updates.
But, it looks like someone blindly imported gns3 and dynagen from Mandriva
without even understanding the use of these tools:

$ rpm -q --suggests dynagen
dynamips>= 0.2.8

(dynamips isn't explicitly required to be installed on the host with gns3 or dynagen, as the hypervisor can be run on a different host than dynagen/GNS3).

In theory yes.

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