qemu/GNS3 related post

@Michael Scherer

I've asked today the maintainers. There were patches for qemu since 0.11, and they had problems with Linux and BSD distros - only recently they decided to push it upstream, because only openSUSE was ready to patch qemu against required enhancements. So they started to campaign harder (ask the community to campaign) to include the patch into the upstream release.

They have successfully pushed a patch against VirtualBox 4.1 and now they wait for Qemu, and hope to be inside 1.0 (but nobody is sure).

My propsition is to patch (I will do that) GNS3 in Mageia1 against patch to disable qemu/qemuwrapper features in GUI and import into Mga1 through updates (by hands of my mentor) dynamips (requirement of GNS3).

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