Op zondag 20 november 2011 22:36:06 schreef nicolas vigier:
> On Sun, 20 Nov 2011, Samuel Verschelde wrote:
> > I'm not sure about it. I see the benefits, but to me there is a major
> > drawback: they are not user-friendly :
> > - current names are readable, new ones aren't, they're just technical
> Adding capitals and replacing / with spaces does not make the name more
> user-friendly. If we want to be friendly with users, we should not
> confuse them by calling the same thing with different names all the time.
> The naming scheme for medias that is used almost everywhere including
> on mirrors is i586/core/release, not Core 32bit Release.
> > - current naming scheme doesn't bother you with arch information, except
> > on 64 bits system and only for 32 bits media
> That's the problem. Sometimes the arch is included, sometimes it is not.
> And sometimes two names can refer to different things (Core Release is
> not the same thing on x86_64 and i586 installs), or two different names
> can refer to the same thing (Core Release on i586 is the same as Core
> 32bit Release on x86_64 installs).
> And 32bit is not more user-friendly than i586. Sources is not more
> user-friendly than SRPMS. We should call the same thing with the same
> name all the time.

I disagree with you here, I'm all for consistent media names that are easy to 
complete, but "Core Release Source" is more userfriendly than 
"SRPMS/core/release" . i'm pretty sure my dad would get even more lost than he 
is right now.

imho "Cauldron Core Release (source)" is more userfriendly than 
"cauldron/SRPM/core/release". at least to people who don't even know what a 
path is.

it's acceptable for me to:
 - no caps
 - better ordering
 - consistent arch adding

but using pathnames, albeit the best consistency, is not good.

imho we should be able in cli to use a unique identifier, but it doesn't have 
to be the name as seen.

if we can use urpm* commands with the path name as identifier, that's ok for me 

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