On 11/21/2011 09:41 PM, John Balcaen wrote:

I did not say anything else.
I personally don't use the rhplugin or the mdv before but always
switch to keyfile.

Please understand that I have *never* modified any Mageia-installed NM configuration file. I don't know what you mean by the mdv/rh/keyfile reference. I've been through enough of this to understand that there's an NM config file that specifies a shell script file that comes in an *rh* (RedHat) and an *mdv* versions. I have no idea what "keyfile" refers to.in this context.

And all of this goes to Cauldron, not 1.  I have never done an install of 1,
but always Cauldron with daily updates and periodic (~ every three weeks or
so ) fresh installs.
On this initial bug report Mageia was providing the « old » 0.8.x
version which in fact was only available in mageia 1 since dmorgan
updated it to the 0.9 beta series once he started the migration to

Fine. I'm just pointing out that I wasn't testing with backlevelled code, but with Cauldron as current at the time.

I wrote too fast here.
I meant that you never wrote somewhere that you choose to use nm
(especially since i can notice that ifplugd was playing with nm in the

Umm, no, I never had to write that anywhere for the simple reason that I *didn't* choose to use NM. Mageia chose to use it for me, because GNOME 3 required it. I didn't do one blessed thing to encourage the use of NM in any way.

I agree but realize that if I have to use this to begin with, there's an NM
bug that is potentially severe enough to prevent distro deployment.
I do understand&  that's why i suggested you to use the keyfile plugin
in #865 instead of the « ifcfg-mdv plugin not maintained anymore in
0.8.x » or the rh plugin which also lacks some functionnality.

Which, referring to the same bug report, I did and reported the results. If there was a lesson to be learned there, it didn't get fixed in whatever version of the plugin Mageia uses by default.

Really, guys, I sympathize with the desire to move to something newer
supported by others.  But you have to be ready to deal with the issue of
I personally don't care if Mageia wants to switch to nm or stick to
drakx-net, i was here to comment some bugs linked by you here.
Nm is provided by mageia and it's far than enough for me because i'm
able to use it without problem since Mageia 1. So as long as we have
someone to deal/maintain with drakx-net we can still follow this road.

I'm fine with that...

Again here could you please test with the *keyfile* plugin&  if it's
still broken with the native plugin report it upstream so we can get a
bug fix for it ? (yes yet another fingers @ upstream :p )

I'll include that test in my next round.

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