2011/12/17 Florian Hubold <doktor5...@arcor.de>:
> Am 17.12.2011 11:26, schrieb Wolfgang Bornath:
>> 2011/12/17 Sander Lepik <sander.le...@eesti.ee>:
>>> 17.12.2011 12:10, Wolfgang Bornath kirjutas:
>>>> I really beg to think the whole matter over again, at least until it is
>>>> mature enough to be implemented in cauldron for practical test.
>>> People will get used to it rather fast.
>> May be yes, may be no. I'm thinking about those computer adepts who
>> have spent 10-15 years with the Ctrl-Alt-F1 combo, is it so easy to
>> change a grown habit which is like the "Red = Stop!" paradigma? I'm
>> thinking also about all those who spend time with different distros,
>> having to change one of the most common procedures just for Mageia.
>> I'm thinking of rather new Linuxers who follow advice in documentation
>> - ALL docs on the net talk about Ctrl-Alt-F1, all generic books like
>> Linux in a Nutshell or others talk about Ctrl-Alt-F1.
>> So, my question is whether a second's flickering during startup really
>> justifies such a strong change?
> Well, maybe you haven't heard of the related problems yet:
> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Mageia_2_Errata#Xserver_crashes

Of course I read that part of the Errata but did not relate it to the
matter of this thread - how could I as a non-developer? The relation
has not been mentioned in the errata.

As I wrote in my first mail I am not really against this change if
there is a reason. There seems to be a reason (as you say), so it's
ok. But still I think all open questions (especially the one about the
situation of a crashing or failing x server) need to be addressed
before the change is made in cauldron to be tested by a broader
userbase. And I still think it needs to be announced all over the
place when the change will be implemented.

About the question how hard it is to press another key: not hard. But
the Ctrl-Alt-F1 has been a standard in ALL distributions and ALL
documentations (even in the generic books about "Learning Linux"), a
standard like the SAA menue standard ("File" on the left, "Help" on
the right) or the "F1 opens Help" standard. Therefore changing this is
a bit more than usual changes between versions.


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