Le 12/01/2012 10:27, Antoine Pitrou a écrit :
Each packager can decide if their upstream package is well-behaved or
not. Of course, better be conservative and not package bugfix releases
if you aren't totally confident. Still, some upstream teams *are*
Some means actually a very few minority among our thousands packages. And even when upstream new release is perfectly safe, we're dealing with binary updates here, meaning we also have to ensure the build environment is perfectly similar (same compiler and build chain version, for instance). Even today, when we try to always rebuild everything just before release, we can't ensure it perfectly. This means there is no 0% risk situation. Meaning we can never be perfectly confident.

Also, there is a responsability issue. Would you assume providing an update disclaiming any kind of liability such as "here is a perfectly safe update from us, but if it ever breaks anything, blame someone else" ?

All of this involves the need of a balance between involved work, estimated risks, and expected benefits. The first factor being mostly related to available workforce, you're welcome to join the team to modify this balance.

BOFH excuse #392:

It's union rules. There's nothing we can do about it. Sorry.

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