16.03.2012 11:02, Guillaume Rousse kirjoitti:
> Le 16/03/2012 03:01, Anssi Hannula a écrit :
>>> So I'd rather revert the change, and make lighttpd autonomous also.
>>> Unless someone can convince me there is an advantage having lighttpd
>>> executing as 'apache' :)
>> The web applications policy has files being owned by 'apache' user, and
>> I don't see how that could work if lighttpd used a different user:
>> https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Web_applications_policy
> This policy was crafted with apache in mind only, not all available web
> servers. And its explicitely refers to apache integration, not generic
> webserver compatibility. For instance, the configuration file provided
> is apache-specific. Even if we have compatible file permissions, and if
> we asked packagers to also provide a default lighttpd configuration file
> (slighly more work), that would still be mostly theorical compatibility
> without actual testing from the packagers (many more work).
> So, rather than a potential compatibility, without documented limits,
> should we rather not make clear than adapting our web applications
> package to any other web server than apache is fully up to the end user ?

It is rather easy for the user to create a lighttpd configuration file
themselves etc, however it is much more difficult for the user to start
changing/guessing the needed file permissions for the larger applications.

Also, any changes would be overwritten by any upgrade, which is quite
bad IMO.

(and yes, I do have seen actual users using lighttpd with our webapp

Anssi Hannula

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