On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 19:35, simple w8 <simpl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> %install
>>> make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} \
>> %makeinstall_std
> Here you really need to spefify them, with %makeinstall_std  fails

%makeinstall then ?

>>>     libdir=%{_libdir} \
>>>     usrlibdir=%{_libdir} \
>>>     exec_prefix=%{_prefix}
>> [...]
>>> optidesk.spec
>>> Name:           optidesk
>>> Summary:        Tool to configure .desktop files to run with optirun
>>> Group:          Graphical desktop/Other
>>> Version:        0.1
>>> Release:        1
>>> URL:            https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/optidesk
>>> License:        GPLv3
>>> # source from git repo git://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/optidesk.git
>>> Source0:      %{name}.tar.xz
>> Tarball needs to be versioned.
> I did add a comment saying its from git, but i usually use to create a
> macro and put some like this:
> Source0:      %{?git:%{name}}%{!?git:%{name}-%{version}}.tar.xz
> but still there isnt any version released

Yes but you should add one, like the date of the snapshot, or the
hash. Else different tarball from git will have the same name.

>>> BuildArch:    noarch
>>> Requires(post):       dkms
>>> Requires(preun):dkms
>> Needs to require dkms.
> AFAIK dkms its only used in post and preun scriptlets., so why add
> another plain require?

Because you need to have it on the system to get this module rebuilt
when you install a new kernel, not only when you install this package

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