On 30 May 2012 15:32, Johnny A. Solbu <coo...@solbu.net> wrote:
>> So there're two kinds of Linux distro:
> I beg to differ, there are three kinds, using your way of counting.
>> - those who provides free & proprietary drivers
>> - those who only provides free drivers, with the needed firmwares
> - those who only provides free drivers, without proprietary firmwares
> You have Ututo, Blag, gNewSense and the other FSF approved distros which 
> takes every care in ensuring that No proprietary drivers of any kind, 
> including firmware, is not available. They even remove the few proprietary 
> drivers which are included in the upstream kernel. (Debian also does this as 
> of version 6, in the main tree.)
> If some hardware does not work without having a proprietary firmware or 
> driver, then that particular hardware does not work. Period. The user must 
> install a proprietary driver them selves afterwards if they want to use it, 
> and the distro does not help them in any way to achieve this.

We're speaking about those who actually have (a decent number of) users

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