09.06.2012 13:29, andre999 skrev:
> OK.  To backport from Cauldron to mga1, we have to backport from 
> Cauldron to mga2, (bumping the revision in cauldron to ensure that is is 
> higher), then backport from mga2 to mga1, ensuring that the revision is 
> lower in mga1 than in mga2.    (e.g. revision x.1 in cauldron, x.0.1 in 
> mga2, x.0.0.1 in mga1)  Pretty straight forward.

Not needed as 1.mgaX > 1.mga3 > 1.mga2 > 1.mga1

> - Cherry-picking refers to the users' option to install a backport, 
> which has nothing to do with the packaging itself.

Oh but it has _everything_ to do with packaging...

in order for cherrypicking to work, the deps must be stricter so
that any deps in backports gets selected along with the package
the user is selecting.


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