mercoledì 13 giugno 2012 alle 13:59, Steven Tucker ha scritto:
> MCC is great, and I would love to be able to admin using it regardless 
> of whether I am using text interface or gtk/qt. The interface is 
> completely different in curses than gtk interfaces. Curses version is a 
> second rate citizen, and Gui is all GTK. A lot of the tools are not 
> available in curses interface, for instance, I don't see a way to 
> install software or managing repositories. It would be nice to have qt 
> version as well as gtk (not a major issue, but would be nice)
Well a proposal[1] to work on it -porting to qt- is already added by me,
I'm not a perl programmer so it's hard for me to do the most, but i'm
trying to get helped by other people (i got one positive answer at the 
I'm open to discuss :)


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