On 02/02/13 05:48, Felix Miata wrote:

Good start:
1-/boot/grub2/i386-pc/core.img in a Grub Legacy stanza succeeds

Not good from then on:
1-Grub2 error message due to not finding some png file

You removed the png by using --no-suggests

2-25 item Grub 2.00 menu (grub.cfg:
     http://fm.no-ip.com/Tmp/Linux/Mdv/grub.cfg.gx27b-cauldron3-1.txt ).
After selecting a selection from a master bootloader, there's no good
reason to see similar selections as in the previous menu unrelated to
the chosen selection. IOW, when not a master bootloader (i.e.
"chainloaded" via core.img, only Mageia entries attributable to selected
filesystem hosting core.img should be in this menu.

If that is what you want then:-
# urpme os-prober

3-Grub2 menu uses same awful spindly-looking font responsible in large
part for my distaste for *buntu

Yes could be a lot better, but it's mainly a choice based on licensing, probably will be improved in the future.

4-default menu selection for Cauldron causes this cmdline:

root=UUID=bbe8a402-5fb1-4247-b372-5bb6cff4e18c ro splash

which is nothing like the default Grub Legacy menu stanza's cmdline result:

     root=LABEL=22cauldrn splash=verbose noresume video=1152x864 vga=794 3

obviously caused by Grub2 installation disregarding content of
pre-existing menu.lst ....

grub2 does not pay any attention to legacy menu.lst - it's a totally different, unrelated bootloader.

If you want grub2 to use an existing legacy menu.lst then you can use grub2-menulst2cfg tool to create a grub.cfg from menu.lst.

Usage: grub2-menulst2cfg [INFILE [OUTFILE]]

5-semi-legible blue on black graphical progress bar instead of normal
complement of startup messages when splash=verbose

The font colours were chosen to complement the background image which you chose not to install.

6-post ESC, startup messages are inappropriately tiny

Sounds like the same issue I used to have when I was using nvidia graphics with nouveau.
Using intel I don't see this.

7-tty text is too tiny to use (same as startup messages; screen's
preferred mode 1600x1200 used instead of legible mode 1152x864)

Probably configurable in /etc/defaults/grub but off hand I don't know the variable name - should be in the maunual somewhere.

8-KDM is on tty2, the location I reserve for certain class of recurring
activities, instead of where expected on tty7

Dunno - I have never seen this.

9-preferred initial runlevel as evidenced by menu.lst cmdline options
was not specified

Again menu.lst is nothing to do with grub2

10-tty1 cleared before displaying login prompt (even after customizing
/etc/systemd/sytem/getty.target.wants/getty@tty1.service with
s/TTYVTDisallocate=yes/TTYVTDisallocate=no/; same problem on Rawhide &
Factory; OT)

Such displeasures as 1-9 are the reason why in Grub Legacy vs. Grub2
discussions I point out that Grub2 is still v1.0 software. Just how much
of these observations are due to upstream decisions or yet-to-dos rather
than distro implementation decisions, implementor inexperience or bugs I
won't try to guess.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/

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