On Saturday 01 March 2008, Grant Ingersoll wrote:
> > Any of the other committers willing to mentor? 

Could you please clarify - or point to a page that does so - about what it 
means to become a Mentor? Anyone have any experience being a mentor? I would 
be happy to help - but I would rather learn a bit more about the mentor side 
of GSoC 

> Also, any thoughts on what we might want someone to do?  I think it
> would be great to have someone implement one of the algorithms on our
> wiki.

I think just implementing one of the algorithms might help Mahout but it might 
be a bit hard to attract students to do that without some real task at hand.

What about putting up tasks that solve problems e.g. from this years KDD cup 
or the web spam challenge? Than the benefit for participants would be two 
fold - first they would help Mahout and second they could compete with others 
in the field.


A man's best friend is his dogma.
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