On Monday 24 March 2008, Robin Anil wrote:
> I am currently working on my Btech Thesis which is to extract opinionated
> Sentences from Blogs which is also a part of Text Retrieval Conference TREC
> 2008  Blog Track under the guidance of Prof. Sudeshna Sarkar

Can you tell us a little more about your approach to this problem? I am 
interested in the exact setup you used to tackle this problem. Maybe some of 
your experiences can be reused to build a powerful demo application for 
Mahout code.

> Could you suggest me the things I should get
> comfortable with in implementing this as well as the detail you require in
> the proposal for implementation

In addition to what Grant already suggested you could have a look into the 
Mahout mail archives or into the discussions in JIRA to find out about what 
is going on in our project and which proposals have been discussed so far.


Violence is a sword that has no handle -- you have to hold the blade.
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