df/mapred works with the old hadoop API
df/mapreduce works with hadoop 0.20 API

On Saturday, November 28, 2009, Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm all for generating and publishing this.
> The CPD results highlight a question I had: what's up with the amount
> of duplication between org/apache/mahout/df/mapred and
> org/apache/mahout/df/mapreduce -- what is the difference supposed to
> be.
> PMD is complaining a lot about the "foo == false" vs "!foo" style. I
> prefer the latter too but we had agreed to use the former, so we could
> disable this check if possible.
> Checkstyle: can we set it to allow a 120 character line, and adjust it
> to consider an indent to be 2 spaces? it's flagging like every line of
> code right now !
> On that note, if possible, I would suggest disabling the following
> FindBugs checks, as they are flagging a lot of stuff that isn't
> 'wrong', to me.
> I completely disagree with it. serialVersionUID itself is bad
> practice, in my book.
> it's a fair point but only relevant to security, and we have no such
> issue. The items it flags are done on purpose for performance, it
> looks like.
> It's a good point in general, but I'm the only one writing JDBC code,
> and there is actually no security issue here. It's a false positive
> and we could disable this.
> This one is a little aggressive. It assumes that types not known to be
> Serializable must not be Serializable, which isn't true.
> It's a decent idea but flags a lot of legitimate code. For example
> it's complaining about ignoring Queue.poll(), which, like a lot of
> Collection API methods,
> I don't necessarily agree with this one, explicitly setting fields to
> null and primitives to zero? tidy but I'm not used to it.
> I didn't see anything big flagged, good, but we should all have a look
> at the results and tweak accordingly. In some cases it had a good
> small point, or I was indifferent about the approach it was suggesting
> versus what was in the code, so I changed to comply with the check.
> On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Isabel Drost <isa...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just ran several code analysis reports over the Mahout source code.
>> Results are published at
>> http://people.apache.org/~isabel/mahout_site/mahout-core/project-reports.html
>> It includes several reports on code quality, test coverage, java docs
>> and the like. When generated regularly say on Hudson I think it could
>> be beneficial both for us (for getting a quick impression of where
>> cleanup is necessary most) as well as for potential users.
>> I would like to see a third tab added to our homepage that points to
>> a page containing reports for each of our modules. I would try to cleanup the
>> generated site a little before - we certainly do not need the "Project
>> information" stuff in there, as most of this is already generated
>> through forest. In addition I can take care of setting up a hudson
>> job to recreate the site on a regular schedule.
>> Cheers,
>> Isabel
>> --
>>  |\      _,,,---,,_       Web:   <http://www.isabel-drost.de>
>>  /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_
>>  |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (  `'-'
>> '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) (fL)  IM:  <xmpp://main...@spaceboyz.net>

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