On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 03:00, Madsen Wikholm wrote:

> I'm not really for using the challenge/response system for personal mail since
> I get much mail from unknown senders. But for a list that would normally be
> open it would cut down on the spam. I used to have my lists open but due to
> spam I've closed them which generates a lot of approval messages :-(

You and me both.  Since I feel your pain, I'll probably end up doing
something about this in 2.1.3 (e.g. limit the number of approvals sent
to the admins per day).

> One could argue that you could as well subscribe to the list if you want to
> send a mail to it but then you get all the rest of the mail that you might not
> be interested in.

Another thing I'd like to do is to make it an option to free all the
held messages of someone who posted before they were a member, and then
became a member, without explicit admin approval.

> In additon to the full subscription option there could perhaps be a thread
> subscription which would subscribe the sender to only receive mails from the
> thread started by him/her. This might become somewhat heavy though.

It's a great idea that's been bantied about for years (e.g. Roundup's
nosy lists).  But that would have to be a feature for a 2.2 release.

> > We'd put a governor on the confirmation offerings so forged virus bombs
> > wouldn't inundate the innocent.
> Not that I need to know but what do you mean with governor?

Ah, a regulator.  I.e. something that stops Mailman from sending too
many confirmation messages during a certain period of time.  There are
actually already such things in the autoresponder, but more of the
system needs to be put on it.


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