On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 1:16 PM, David Jeske <dav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 3, 2012 8:14 PM, "Bob Puff" <b...@nleaudio.com> wrote:

>> I think the majority of MM users will be simply using the RPM that comes with
>> their distro, and there is a real benefit to stuff working right "out of the
>> box".  This includes the Archiving functions.

I don't see why that precludes having the archiver in a separate
recommended or required RPM, .deb, ebuild, or whatever dependency, and
I imagine the distros can and will deal with that (as most of them use
Mailman themselves, they'd have to do without dogfood).

The problem as I see it is that many distros (I'm looking at you,
Debian!) get woefully out of date, and their packaging often pays more
attention to "fitting in to the distro" than to what we consider best
practice.  So users will often upgrade from our sources (and that is
historically what we recommend).  Also, many non-OS distros (*gag*
*spit* Plesk *barf* cPanel) will roll their own derivatives (typically
with little care for what we consider best practice).

> I'd personally like to see a better archiver rolled into an MM2 point
> release, as well as upcoming MM3 development. (I understand pipermail URL
> compat would be nice in that case).

That, and automatic storage conversion to whatever the new archive UI prefers.

The caveats above notwithstanding, at this point I'm definitely with
David and Bob on this issue -- +1 for including batteries.  I'd like
to hear from Mark, though (even more so than from Barry; Mark is the
guy who's been guiding people through upgrades on a daily basis for
the last decade or so).
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