Richard Wackerbarth writes:

 > We should not be required to repeat this in the future. Therefore,
 > we need to have a service level interface for ALL inter-service
 > interactions, even if we do not require the RESTful implementation
 > of those interactions at this time.

I guess I think of "components" as "interfaces with implementations
*potentially independent* of other components", and would argue that
these could (and will) be implemented as separate processes, even as
remote processes.  These require RESTful implementations AIUI.

I would certainly expect that authentication services, the user
database, the mailflow handlers, owner/site webUI, and user webUI
would be (conceptually) five separate components, although Postorius
might provide both owner/site UI and user UI.

Intracomponent APIs might be defined as zope.interfaces, and even
"more internal" APIs might be simply Python classes, etc.  But it
seems to me requiring RESTful interfaces for all intercomponent
communication is the way to go.
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