Hi all,

This is report of my GSoC project - OpenPG integration with GNU Mailman
for midterm. The code is updated at my launchpad branch[1].

* A signature rule(src/mailman/rules/signature.py) to check for OpenPGP
signature in a message, incase the signature is found it tries to verify
the message using gpg utility.

* A gpg utility(src/mailman/utilities/gpg.py) to perform all the
signature related tasks using `python-gnupg`(v0.3.4). It signs and
verifies the signature.

* A signmessage handler(src/mailman/handlers/signmessage.py) to sign the
outgoing message using the gpg utility.(Signing a message is still
incomplete in the sense we do not have a way to store and use keys. For
now it has a pubring.gpg and secring.gpg inside (var/gpg/). It will be
replaced with actual keyrings in future.)

* Tests for each of the three modules above. Testing gpg.py was a small
challenge(for me).

Issues and Roadblocks:

* Signature verification using `python-gnupg` was a PITA to me for
sometime. The way it accepts the string and signature for detached
signature is not documented at all and is converse of what I could think
of. It just occurred to me to try out the other possibility which turned
out to be the right way.

* Version control was also a issue that I encountered. Initially I
started to work on git mirror of mailman. When I tried to port the code
back to bazaar and push to github it took me(and others) a lot of
brainstorming. Finally I did that using bzr-git.

* Deciding the structure of the signed message that we were going to
send out. Initially it was decided to leave sender's signature intact so
that if someone wants to verify it he can do it, but there can-not be
two 'pgp-signature' parts in a conventional multipart/signed message. I
wrote the code to follow an internet-draft[2] i discovered one-day. But
then I commented out the code and also added another format

mutipart/alternative {
        multipart/signed { text/plain, application/pgp-signature }
        multipart/signed { text/plain, application/pgp-signature }

Some furthur assistance and research on which format do MUAs support the
most should be implemented.

* python-gnupg does not provide any way to search for keys based on
key-data like email-address. I need some more work to get this working.

Future Plan:
The next plans for this project include testing all the above parts
thoroughly and then moving on to creating a PKI for the key. Also the
settings for the list-manager to adjust a few options related to signed
lists - like time limit(decided from date in signature) to consider a
message old, and also implementing this in code.

My work remains two to three days behind the schedule i proposed. I hope
I will be able to give some extra time and get back to schedule soon.

[1]: https://code.launchpad.net/~raj-abhilash1/mailman/master
[2]: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-openpgp-multsig-02

Abhilash Raj
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