I see I'm duplicating much of what Terri wrote but there's some new
information here.  With that caveat (must run, no time to edit), here
we go:

JFC Morfin writes:

 > database. It means a way (1) to set-up scores of same style mailing 
 > lists and (2) for a person being a member of my directory to easiliy 
 > select the lists she wants to attend or quit.

For (1), Mailman 3 lists are database-backed (currently PostgreSQL,
MySQL, and SQLite are supported, either of the first two should easily
scale to your requirements).  Setting up list styles easily is not yet
well-supported, but we hope to have a Google Summer of Code student
work on that feature this summer.  The Postorius web interface
supports (2) quite well.

 > My idea is to get it simple, non interfering and robust by having
 > an independent database used to generate an update script on a cron
 > basis and that scri^pt being run to create/update the necessary
 > mailman instances.

This turns out to work but it's not as easy as you would hope.
Mailman 3 should soon include the necessary features, but on the other
hand it is already working with Mailman 2.  AFAIK systems like cPanel
don't really support (1) or (2) all that well.  But I know that there
are lots of homebrew systems out there at universities and

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