Aayush Maini writes:


 > The basic proposal goes along viz. "Making the services offered by
 > the Postorius available via a browser extension/plugin". I thought
 > it would be nice to have the functionality offered by the Postorius
 > clubbed into a user friendly browser plugin.
 > The main highlights of the plugin could include:
 > --> User Authentication for identity verification.
 > --> Managing/Moderating the subscription requests.
 > --> Managing preferences related to a list.
 > --> Support for adding owners/moderators.

This is an interesting idea, but Postorius already does all this.
More important, although presently user *authentication* is done via
social auth services (Persona, OpenAuth), *authorization* is done by
Postorius itself on the Mailman server host, not by Mailman core.
Given that you have to go through Postorius in any case, what benefit
do you see from doing it in a browser plugin?

I can think of some possibilities myself, but I'm not very familiar
with browser plugin technology, and worry that it would be browser-
specific (and so not be available to many potential users, unlike
Postorius itself which is pretty much universally accessible).

In any case, promoting your project is your job<wink/>.  But if you
give us some ideas, we can help you understand if they're feasible,
and maybe pick up and run with some of the vaguer ones you propose
(yes, "vague" is acceptable at this stage -- refining ideas is very
much something you can learn effectively from a mentor).
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