
I am Aayush Maini, a student of IIIT-H and I would like to propose an idea
for GSOC 2016, under The GNU Mailman. I have got the build working and
submitted a patch for Postorius currently pending for review. I have worked
on mailman core and have a decent understanding of Postorius too.

The basic proposal goes along viz. "Making the services offered by the
Postorius available via a  browser extension/plugin". I thought it would be
nice to have the functionality offered by the Postorius clubbed into a user
friendly browser plugin.

The main highlights of the plugin could include:

--> User Authentication for identity verification.
--> Managing/Moderating the subscription requests.
--> Managing preferences related to a list.
--> Support for adding owners/moderators.

* The class of users who would be largely benefited from the browser plugin
would be the list owners and moderators.

* The main purpose of the browser plugin would be to provide the
functionality of the web interface via the compactness of the plugin.

* The job of managing the preferences related to a list(s) can be done via
a plugin.

* Provide the list owner a functionality, to manage the subscriptions quite
easily with minimal number of clicks.

This was just a basic layout of the idea on which I thought the project
could be built. I would be glad to discuss the specifications and some
extensions that could be later added based on the review. It would be real
help if someone could guide me on along the lines of this idea. Thanks.

Aayush Maini
Pre-Final Year
Computer Science Engineering
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