On Fri, May 31, 2019, at 12:24 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm Steve, the org admin and principal mentor for Season of Docs
> (GSoD).  The other mentor, Abhilash, is also Mailman project lead and
> org admin for Season of Code (GSoC).  To pile on to those
> responsibilities, most of Mailman core (including all currently active
> devs) was at PyCon April 30 to May 9, work has sprung a few unpleasant
> surprises, and well, here we are.
> I will try to update our SoD page on the wiki "soon" (probably Sunday),
> and will announce that when it happens here.  In the meantime,
> 1.  Mailman has always considered docs important, and we try to write
>     our documentation at the same time as writing the code.  This has
>     good and bad effects on the quality of documentation, but for
>     GSoD, it means you have to have a local git repo of the Mailman
>     suite, because the docs are physically intermingled with code and
>     tests.  The code is at https://gitlab.com/mailman.  If you need
>     help with git, ssh, and/or gitlab (you need a gitlab account with
>     at least one ssh public key installed), let us know.
>     We require at least one merged MR of the qualifying tech writer.
>     That MR can be a typo fix.  The point of it is simply to show that
>     you know how to get an MR through the Mailman development
>     process.
> 2.  You DO NOT need to build and have a working Mailman installation
>     locally.  It can help if you do, but we do not require it of tech
>     writers (and I'm pretty sure GSoD has a rule against that).  We'll
>     do something about providing a working installation that you can
>     log into and see all the screens and options.
>     The build system for the docs is separate from the build and
>     install system for Mailman code and data.  You do need to be able
>     to build the documentation yourself.  This means having Python 3
>     and Sphinx installed.  Python 3.6 is the latest version mentioned
>     on the front page of the docs site, but I believe Python 3.7 is
>     actually supported, and Python 3.8 is now in beta.  So I would
>     recommend installing Python 3.7 unless you have Python 3.6 already
>     installed and are space-poor.  (If *and only if* you do a lot of
>     development in Python, sure, you could install Python 3.8 beat.
>     Any Mailman testing you can do with bleeding edge Python is always
>     welcome :-) but don't let it get in the way of working on docs! ;-)
> 3.  The current documentation is visible at
>     https://mailman.readthedocs.io/, which should redirect to
>     https://mailman.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.  (If it doesn't
>     redirect there, please let us know.  Tasks you can start thinking
>     about (and creating MRs = merge requests for) immediately:

Slight correction to this, the above mentioned URL is the doc for
Mailman Core, the "Landing Page" for all the Mailman documentation
is supposed to be http://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/.

>     a.  The documents are written in a dialect of RestructuredText
>         used with the Sphinx document production system.  Learn about
>         these.
>     b.  Subscribe to mailman-us...@mailman3.org (the Postorius
>         interface is at https://lists.mailman3.org/).  Browse the
>         various pages, and write down questions about them (even if
>         you already know the answers).  Then go to
>         mailman.readthedocs.io and see if you can find those answers.
>         If not, you know what to do. :-)
>     c.  The structure of the documentation needs to be redesigned.
>         Most of the important stuff is linked, and linked early, from
>         the front page, which is good.  That's the nicest thing I can
>         say about it. :-(  Here's a sketch of what we might do about it:
>         It's conventional in open source projects to start with a
>         section explaining how to install: hardware and software
>         requirements, building the software if needed, installing it,
>         configuring it, configuring other software (specifically DNS
>         and MTA) to work with Mailman, creating domains, lists, and
>         users, and starting the whole shebang running.  I'm open to
>         other organizations, but this is a very plausible first
>         "chapter".
>         One thing we don't have is subscriber documentation.  Yes, we
>         have documentation on subscriber interactions with Postorius
>         and HyperKitty.  What I'm talking about here are the "Easter
>         eggs" in mailing list mail, to help users organize their
>         mailing lists and use them effectively.  For example, it's
>         easy with most mail clients to filter on the "List-Id" header
>         field, and this is most reliable.  Many lists provide
>         unsubscription and options links in the footer.  There's
>         usually a header field providing the archive URL to that post,
>         and sometimes a link in the footer.
>         Next would be a section for subscribers on managing your
>         Mailman user, emails, and subscriptions, including the options
>         available for each.  I think this would probably document both
>         Postorius and HyperKitty.  (As I implied above, this structure
>         is a conversation starter, not a plan I've thought carefully
>         about.)
>         Then a section for admins, list admins (owners and moderators)
>         first, then domain admins, then site admins.
>         Then a section on troubleshooting for admins.
>         Then a section for devs (there's a lot of dev material linked
>         directly from the top page, which I don't think is
>         appropriate).
>         Finally a section for miscellaneous stuff we don't know what
>         else to do with.
>     d.  The content of the front page is somewhat eclectic, not to say
>         "disorganized".  Rewriting that page, and then "chapter" front
>         pages are early goals.
>         In the case of improving structure (part c, above), it's OK to
>         work alone, submit MRs, get them merged.  Structure is very
>         visible in the sidebar and menus of links.  If somebody has a
>         different idea, they'll say so, present a new MR, and we can
>         discuss.
>         Don't do that with page content.  Announce you're working on a
>         particular section, with a URL to an MR, early.  *Explicitly
>         ask for review.* Gitlab has a feature (ask us how it works)
>         that allows the MR to track your local work: it's as dynamic
>         as the branch you are committing to.  I'm pretty sure it even
>         allows an automatic "squash" at merge time if you think that
>         makes the history look nicer.  Once you have edit permissions
>         on Gitlab, you'll get an "edit on Gitlab" button on the page.
>         It's OK to use it for typos and other change that affect only
>         one line, but avoid the temptation to do full-page rewrites
>         that way.  Create a merge request and try to encourage
>         discussion.
>         The reason for this is that you're not writing a novel.  A
>         consistent style throughout the documentation is more
>         important than an interesting style.  Discussing with other
>         people has three effects here: some of their suggestions are
>         just plain better, maybe you'll change your mind and move
>         towards someone else's style just for group harmony, and maybe
>         they'll harmonize with you (even though they're not directly
>         writing this section, if their style in *other* sections is
>         more like yours, the reader benefits).
>         Note that "style" here includes things like the wording and
>         placement of link anchors.  Readers often go right by the link
>         you put there because the wording or position on the page
>         isn't quite what they expect.  You can't do much about that
>         the first time, but if style is consistent, they will learn
>         it.
>         Wouldn't the commit-then-adjust process work here as well as
>         for structure?  That's debatable, but my feeling is no.  There
>         are two problems.  First, a full page rewritten by a single
>         author will have a coherent style, even if that style is
>         inconsistent with other pages.  Unless it's really different,
>         it's harder to notice inconsistency between pages than it is
>         to see inconsistency within a page.  Second, there's a strong
>         tendency for developers (including tech writers) to think "oh,
>         there's a commit, it passed the CI tests, good!" and not
>         review it, both because it costs personal energy to review,
>         and to avoid interpersonal conflict after a commit.  It's much
>         easier to "bikeshed" minor changes *before* they get promoted
>         to the public repository.  And, of course, as I mentioned
>         above, discussion itself is an important vehicle for
>         harmonizing style.
> I think that will do for now.  
> Thanks to Ayush and others who brought this up.
> Steve
> -- 
> Associate Professor              Division of Policy and Planning Science
> http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/     Faculty of Systems and Information
> Email: turnb...@sk.tsukuba.ac.jp                   University of Tsukuba
> Tel: 029-853-5175                 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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  Abhilash Raj (maxking)
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