The mentioned issue:

So, the line 65 in `` in `/src/mailman/commands/` 
which raises the error is `assert member is None, member`

Basically what this line is doing is checking if the `member` is `None` or not 
and if it ISN'T,  it raises an Assertion Error with member details printed.
According to the comments (line 57-60) in the same file, member would be `None` 
when there's an unsubscription, but here it is NOT None (idk why).

2 pretty simple ways of dealing with this will be:
- commenting the line
- adding an `except AssertionError` line

But these won't solve the root problem, i.e why is the member NOT None.

I'm currently looking a bit more into it but,
How should I proceed with this??

Also, couple of doubts:
- How can a moderator confirm the unsubscription request??
- For the tables `user` and `member` in `mailman.db` file in 
`mailman/var/data/`, when a person unsubscribes from a list, the entry of that 
member is deleted from the `member` table but not from `user` table. Is it due 
to the fact that even if the person is not a member, they can still be user??

Thank You
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