On 1/4/20 5:10 AM, ritwik p wrote:
> Mark Sapiro wrote:
>> Because the comment is backwards.
> What do you mean by this??

The comment says

# We can't assert anything about member.  It will be None when
# the workflow we're confirming is an unsubscription request,
# and non-None when we're confirming a subscription request.
# This class doesn't know which is happening.

That's backwards. I.e, it should say

# We can't assert anything about member.  It will be None when
# the workflow we're confirming is a subscription request,
# and non-None when we're confirming an unsubscription request.
# This class doesn't know which is happening.

>> Create some additional tests for unsubscription when policy is
>> confirm_then_moderate that will fail on the assert member is None.
>> Once you are satisfied that you are testing all the combinations of
>> subscribe/unsubscribe and policy confirm with and without moderate, fix
>> the code so the tests pass.
> I haven't really written tests before. Can you point me to any link/docs for 
> the same?
> Also, where can I write the tests?

See mailman/commands/tests/test_eml_confirm.py for the existing tests.
That's where you would add new tests for this.

>>> How can a moderator confirm the unsubscription request??

>> Usually, through the Postorius web UI, but also by email, and you need
>> to be sure that's tested too.
> Can I do it with `mailman inject`??
> If yes, then how??

You can use `mailman inject` in lieu of sending email, but you can't
test the REST interface that Postorius uses that way.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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