This is really useful information.  Thanks very much!

Unfortunately I don't have shell access to my virtual server, or even access to 
files outside of those for my webserver.   I can't find the config.pck file 

I used to run complete servers of various flavors, but the amount of that sort 
of work I do these days is not enough to merit their upkeep.  I packed up most 
of my servers and stored them elsewhere.

So in order to do what you suggest, assuming I could get at the pickle file, 
I'd have to set up a virtual machine with Apache and mailman installed on my 
PC, and then do the manipulation there.   I can do all that, but it seems like 
a lot of work.    

I see that there are online Pickle file editing tools (though the most likely 
candidate I found is offline at the moment).  Were I to be able to access the 
.pck file, would it not suffice to download it, upload it into the file editing 
tool, make the change, save the file, and then swap the .pck file on the server 
with the edited one?  Or does config_list do something else?

Maybe I could get my host provider to do that edit for me . . . . or at least 
swap the file for me.  

Actually, the problem that led me to report this issue resolved itself after a 

When I first encountered the problem, I waited a day and tried the privacy flag 
hack described previously.  Then that stopped working, so I reported the error.

Meanwhile I left the web server alone for a day, and then went to it this 
morning to try again.  I turned off the privacy flag, deleted the footer, and 
reenabled the privacy flag without any problems.   So there is likely some 
rogue cookie that gets set that expires after a day.   

In any case, now I can wait patiently for the glacial wheels of bureaucracy to 
grind, and still get done what I need to do.

I'm happy to do testing to help reproduce the problem, of course.  Thanks for 
all your assistance.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Sapiro <> 
Sent: Thursday, 6 July 2023 05:27
Subject: [Mailman-Users] Re: Mailman 2.1.15 doesn't allow admin changes on 
private lists

On 7/5/23 7:51 PM, Charles Buckley wrote:
> Heck, if I knew where the footer data was stored, I'd be happy to go in and 
> edit the file by hand, the web page be damned.  I just want to get this 
> delivered and out of the way.  Watch it probably be in some DB for which 
> there was never any compelling need.

The data are in a Python pickle in Mailman's lists/<list-name>/config.pck. If 
you have access to that, you should also have access to Mailman's 
bin/config_list, and creating a file containing only

msg_footer = ''

and running something like

bin/config_list -i /path/to/that/file listnsme

will do it.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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