At 12:37 PM 3/29/02 -0500, Tom Neff wrote:
>On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 23:53:00 +1100
>Darryl Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I was wondering if there was an option to turn on or off the email
>>headers that mailman adds.
>This is one of their ideological hot buttons - you're not supposed to WANT 
>to turn them off. :)
>Back in the real world - go to $base/Mailman/Handlers/ - 
>down in the last few lines - and look for a line saying

In 2.1 you can go into and break RFC2369 compliance by setting 
ALLOW_RFC2369_OVERRIDES to 1.   That'll enable a policy at your site that 
list owners can turn it off, which will cause the cgi scripts to display 
that as an option for them.

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