
Mailman has been working great for us, until the last three lists. I added
the lists with the *newlist* command, updated the alias files, ran
The list is there, and is accessible for admin functions, and requests to
join the list go into the queue, but the admin is not notified by
e-mail...this continues to work
for lists that were created in the past, but not the new lists???

Any ideas?


Randolph Waugh, I.S.P.
Network and Telecommunication Administrator
The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
774 promenade Echo Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1S 5N8
Phone: (613) 730-6255
Fax: (613) 730-8830
Watts: (800) 668-3740
Web: http://rcpsc.medical.org

Tri rudan a thig gun iarraidh: an t-eagal, an t-eudach 's an gaol. 
(Three things that come without asking: fear, love and jealousy) From an old
Gaelic proverb.

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