On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Flavio wrote:
> My mailman mail head have many users in it. Some ISP donīt accept my
> messages. How can I solve it (one message to each user)

This is an MTA issue.  Mailman just sends the message to your MTA,
your MTA is responsible for talking to remote MTAs (such as at an
ISP).  The remote MTA should return a too many recipients error
that your MTA sees, and that should trigger your MTA to send this
message and start a new one for the rest of the recipients.

What MTA are you using, and which ISPs are giving you this problem?
How many recipients is your MTA trying to send?

You could set SMTP_MAX_RCPTS = 1 in mm_cfg.py to force one recipient
per message.  That can make a noticable difference on your bandwidth
usage though.


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