On 07:57 PM 9/17/02, Will Yardley wrote:
 >Angel Gabriel wrote:
 >> I'd like to know how bouncing mail is treated, is it removed from the list?
 >> Will I be notified of each bouncing address?? How long before it's 
taken off
 >> the list? What about people who use web mail, can mailman tell the
 >> difference between an error because of a full mailbox, and an error because
 >> of a non existent user?
 >The list admin will receive the bounce message(s)...
 >The current stable version of Mailman doesn't support any sort of
 >automatic bounce handling; I'm not sure if future versions will.

I'm managing a list running under 2.0.13 which has automatic bounce 
handling (found at the administrative website at 
domain-name/mailman/admin/listname/bounces) with the following settings:

Bounce Options

Policies regarding systematic processing of bounce messages, to help 
automate recognition and handling of defunct addresses.

Description                                     Value
Try to figure out error messages automatically?
                                                No Yes

Minimum number of days an address has been
non-fatally bad before we take action           # days

Minimum number of posts to the list since members first
bounce before we consider removing them from the list
                                                        # days

Maximum number of messages your list gets in an hour.
(Yes, bounce detection finds this info useful)  # days

Action when critical or excessive bounces are detected.

                                                    Do nothing
                                                    Disable and notify me
                                                    Disable and DON'T notify me
                                                    Remove and notify me

The list I'm administrating is set as:  Yes, 5, 3, 5, Disable and notify me

It works as indicated above, if an address has had problems for at least 5 
days, and at least 3 posts have been processed since it first had problems, 
the address is disabled and the admin(s) receive a notice:

 >This is a Mailman mailing list bounce action notice:
 >    List:       listname
 >    Member:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 >    Action:     Subscription disabled.
 >    Reason:     Excessive or fatal bounces.


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