Au contraire! Every version of Mailman I've used (back to 2.0.4, now on 2.0.12+) has handled bounced message with aplomb. Check out:
for the options.


Will Yardley wrote:

Angel Gabriel wrote:

> I'd like to know how bouncing mail is treated, is it removed from the list?
> Will I be notified of each bouncing address?? How long before it's taken off
> the list? What about people who use web mail, can mailman tell the
> difference between an error because of a full mailbox, and an error because
> of a non existent user?

The list admin will receive the bounce message(s)...

The current stable version of Mailman doesn't support any sort of
automatic bounce handling; I'm not sure if future versions will.

Will Yardley
input: william < @ hq . newdream . net . >

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