I'm not sure how he set it up, but you could just set up a 'subscription form' or whatever that your users fill in that hooks into a cgi script that just sends off an email to the appropriate mailman subscribe address. If you subscribe an address via email with mailman, it will just make up a random password for the user. If your users don't need to use it ever, they'll never know the difference.


On Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 05:00 pm, Sullivan, John wrote:

Is that a manual process? Do they send the unsubscribe to you and then you
take them off the list or is that a scripted feature of 2.1 that is not
available in 2.0.

If it is not manual how did you go about configuring it..

Thanks for your help..


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Hansford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 8:06 PM
To: Sullivan, John
Subject: Re: Disabling Passwords

At 07:28 PM 3/26/2003, you wrote:
I am using Mailman V 2.0

I want to know how I can disable the need for a new subscriber to create
password. I think the subscribers are going to find it quite annoying that
they have to create a password for our newsletter. They should just have
subscribe and unsubscribe options...

I use v2.1.1, and have a lot of lists set up as "Newsletter" style, and
none of the users are given passwords. Since I don't allow archiving of
the newsletters, and they don't want/need to go to the web page to change
their settings, they are subscribed and unsubscribed without notices being
sent to the members.


Your Comments are appreciated...


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