I want my users to easily unsubscribe without needing to use a password.

Does this do it? Where is this field located? :
"I set subscriptions to require approval, but not unsubscriptions"

- Don V Black, Founder
  Digital ChoreoGraphics

At 09:39 PM 3/26/2003 -0500, Larry Hansford wrote:
At 08:23 PM 3/26/2003, Dallas Bethune wrote:

I'm not sure how he set it up, but you could just set up a
'subscription form' or whatever that your users fill in that hooks into
a cgi script that just sends off an email to the appropriate mailman
subscribe address.  If you subscribe an address via email with mailman,
it will just make up a random password for the user.  If your users
don't need to use it ever, they'll never know the difference.


That's basically it.

I disabled:
   Sending Welcome Message
   Sending Goodbye Message
   Sending password reminders

I removed the footer with the web link
I set all list members as Moderated, except the ones allowed to post to the list
I set all moderated members or non-members to reject with a message of the address to send mail to
I set an Explicit Reply-To address
I set subscriptions to require approval, but not unsubscriptions

Initial setup is done with mass subscriptions. Large lists are broken down into multiple text files with 1,000 names or less per list, and then mass subscriptions done multiple times.

Subsequent subscriptions are done either via the List Owner adding them, or via e-mail subscribe. the same with unsubscribes.

I think that is basically the setup.


On Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 05:00 pm, Sullivan, John wrote:

Is that a manual process? Do they send the unsubscribe to you and then
take them off the list or is that a scripted feature of 2.1 that is not
available in 2.0.

If it is not manual how did you go about configuring it..

Thanks for your help..


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Hansford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 8:06 PM
To: Sullivan, John
Subject: Re: Disabling Passwords

At 07:28 PM 3/26/2003, you wrote:
I am using Mailman V 2.0

I want to know how I can disable the need for a new subscriber to
password. I think the subscribers are going to find it quite annoying
they have to create a password for our newsletter. They should just
subscribe and unsubscribe options...

I use v2.1.1, and have a lot of lists set up as "Newsletter" style, and none of the users are given passwords. Since I don't allow archiving of the newsletters, and they don't want/need to go to the web page to change their settings, they are subscribed and unsubscribed without notices being sent to the members.


Your Comments are appreciated...


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