At 13:36 02/04/2003, Michael Mansour wrote:

I'm brand new to Mailman.

I've created a Mailing list "test" and subscribed to the list via my email
address, the message gets sent as:


But when I click the reply button, and then click send, I get the following:

Apr 2 22:35:37 pcserv sendmail[25359]: h32CZaDm025359: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... User unknown

This is your MTA (sendmail) telling you it does not know about the list's mail alias(es).

Have you added the list's mail aliases to the sendmail aliases file and rebuilt the sendmail aliases database?

Typically, on Linux, you should have added the new list's mail aliases to a file such as /etc/mail/aliases and run make in the directory /etc/mail or some similar incantation depending on the brand of *nix you are running.

Any ideas how to fix this?

Your help is appreciated.


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